By Randi Bjornstad

You won’t know until you get there what you’re going to see, but that’s the fun of attending an improv show.

The No Script Society, which puts on its mixture of storytelling, games, and scene-setting, will be offering up their holiday special, “A Scriptless Carol,” in Stage Left at The Very Little Theatre for three shows on Dec. 15-17. The only thing they promise is that they are planning “something both nostalgic and brand new.”

On top of not knowing exactly what will be happening, audience members also aren’t asked to pay a specific amount for their tickets. The suggested amount is $10, but you can name your own price to match your budget.

One other thing: The troupe’s efforts are generally very popular, so they suggest that you don’t dawdle, or there may not be any seats left.

No Script Society at The VLT

When: 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 15 and 16; 2 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 17

Where: The Very Little Theatre, 2350 Hilyard St., Eugene, in the small Stage Left performance space

Details: Refreshments available for purchase, plus a “fun holiday raffle”

Tickets: Pay what your budget will allow; available online in advance at