Edited by Randi Bjornstad

Christmas Presence — and yes, that is the name, rather than Christmas Presents — will be presented by the Wildish Theater in partnership with Narrow Shoes Productions on Dec. 21-23, 2023.

The show will offer family-friendly stories and music, ranging from heartfelt to humorous, that reflect the wonder and hope of the Christmas season even in times when it’s difficult to imagine hopefulness and generosity.

Performers include the Dréos Trio, playing holiday classics in celtic/folk fusion style as well as pianist Julianne Shepard and vocalist Martha Moultry. Actors David Snider, Jeany Van Meltebeke, and Donovan Snider also will perform.

A sample of the Dréos Trio’s music is online at dreosmusic.com

Christmas Presence at the Wildish Community Theater

When: 7:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Dec. 21 and 22, and at both 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 23

Where: Wildish Community Theater, 630 Main St., Springfield

Tickets: $20 adults, $25 for youths through 18 years old, available in advance at wildishtheater.com or at the door; also available via livestream

About Narrow Shoes Productions: The group describes itself as a collective of actors, storytellers, and musicians who create art to stir the soul and ask the big questions about the human condition.