What: Minority Voices Theatre and illioo Native Theatre seek actors for a concert reading of Salmon Is Everything, to be presented in Stage Left at the Very Little Theatre on Sept. 23-25, 2022. A concert reading involves actors reading a play from scripts, usually with a minimal amount of movement and stage direction.

When: Rehearsals begin Sept. 12, and will consist of 4-5 sessions. Performances will be at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 23 and 24, and 2 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 25.

Details: Some roles will be filled by illioo Native Theatre regulars, while others will be filled by other community members. Parts to be cast will be for watershed stakeholders and townspeople.

Synopsis: 2022 is the 20th anniversary of a devastating fish-kill on the Klamath River when upwards of 70,000 Salmon died as a result of the political and social response to the drought of 2001. The play tells the story of that historic event, and how the diverse community of the Klamath Watershed came to understand one another’s perspectives and care about each other and their watershed. The play documents the actual historical event of the 2002 fish-kill on the Klamath River, and also explores issues central to all watersheds in Oregon and the West.

The playwright/director: Theresa May is associate professor of theater at the University of Oregon and is a leader in ecological- and community-based theater. She is co-founder of Earth Matters on Stage, an international ecodrama festival; co-editor of Readings in Performance and Ecology; and co-author of Greening Up Our Houses, about sustainable theater management.

Information or expression of interest: Contact Theresa May at tmay33@uoregon.edu