(Above: A photograph called “Evening Stroll” by Manuela Durson of Bandon is one of 80 entries accepted for the show at the Emerald Art Center)
By Randi Bjornstad
The topics are vast at the “Photography at the Emerald: Second Annual Fall Exhibition,” ranging from portraits to landscapes to macro-views of a single flower.
The show drew entries from all over the United States, as far away as New York City and as nearby as right here at home in Lane County.

“Marcella” got the nod for favorite photo in the show from art center director Paula Goodbar
Eighty pieces found a place on the walls, and picking one favorite is pretty hard to do, although visitors to the exhibit are invited to vote for their “People’s Choice” candidate until the show ends at 4 p.m. on Sept 29.
The other prizes already have been awarded, winning gold, silver and bronze medals as well as some Award of Merit and Honorable Mention designations.
Paula Goodbar, the Emerald Art Center’s executive director, named her own No. 1 photograph for the Director’s Prize, an exquisite portrait called “Marcella” by Christopher Priebe of Middleton, Wis.

Another winner shows a glorious chrysanthemum blossom, by David Lawrence Perry.
Second Annual Emerald Art Center National Juried Show
When: Through Friday, Sept. 29
Where: Emerald Art Center, 500 Main St. in downtown Springfield
Gallery Hours: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday
Information: 541-726-8595 or emeraldartcenter.org/