By Daniel Buckwalter

The glory of Ludwig van Beethoven’s symphonies were on full display May 12 and 13 at the Jaqua Concert Hall at The Shedd Institute with the chamber ensemble microphilharmonic.

It was engaging and stirring as well as a triumphant ending to microphilharmonic season.

The chamber ensemble played the best of Beethoven — Symphonies 1 and 5 — with wonderful precision.

Its two-day run began on Sunday in front of a large and supportive audience, and it started with the first piece, the four-movement Symphony No. 1 in C major.

I was particularly struck by the almost dance-like second movement between violinists Stephen Redfield and Alice Blankenship, violist Bryce Caster and cellist Louis Lowenstein. That is a marvel to listen to.

The climactic fourth movement had Redfield expertly leading the 12-member ensemble through intricate phrasing with precision that was a delight to hear.

As for Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in C minor, what can be said of it that hasn’t been noted before?

The iconic four-note entry in the first movement sets a tone that has you at the edge of your seat in anticipation, and microphilharmonic did not disappoint.

It’s the engaging interplay between Lowenstein on cello and Tyler Abbot on bass at the start of the third movement that lets a listener know that the fierce and uplifting end is on the horizon.

At the conclusion, the audience on Sunday rose as one to give microphilharmonic the ovation it deserved.

I hope you were able to get to one of the performances. It was a magnificent way for microphilharmonic to end its season.