Who: Lane County Cultural Coalition
What: Recruitment of new members of the coalition
When: Applications due no later than Monday, April 5, 2021
Information:Â Contact coalition chairperson Patty Williams Sage at info@laneculture.net

Details from the Coalition:
The Lane County Cultural Coalition has openings for two new members, representing West Lane County and Springfield (County Districts 1 & 2)

The coalition consists of 12 representatives from throughout Lane County who have a deep interest in arts, heritage, and humanities and specifically encourages applications from the BIPOC (Black/Indigenous/People Of Color) community.
The members of the coalition serve three-year terms, two each representing all five Lane County electoral districts plus one member of the Lane Arts Council and one member-at-large. One of the coalition’s primary responsibilities is to distrbute more than $30,000 in Oregon Cultural Trust funds to projects that further the arts, cultural heritage, and humanities.
The coalition evaluates grant applications, selects new committee members, and promotes the Oregon Cultural Trust in Lane County communities.
Interested applicants should be able to meet the following requirements: 1) Ability to participate in Zoom meetings during the pandemic; 2) Access to email communication; and 3) Competency in reading in English.
Applications can be found online at laneculture.net/about-us/join-us/. Return completed applications to info@laneculture.net or mail them via the U.S. Postal Service to:
Lane County Cultural Coalition
c/o Lane Arts Council
1590 Willamette St., Suite 200
Eugene, OR 97401