When: 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 23
Where: South Eugene High Auditorium, 400 E. 19th Ave, Eugene
Details from ESYO: The final concert of the Eugene-Springfield Youth Orchestra’s 85th season sparkles under the direction of Dr. David Jacobs, director of Orchestral studies at the University of Oregon. He leads the first-tier Youth Symphony in a a program that begins with Antonin Dvorak’s Slavonic Dance No. 8 and ending with Peter Tchaikovsky’s rich and lovely Symphony No. 2. In between, there’s Luigi Bassi’s Concert Fantasia on Motives based on Giuseppe Verdi’s Rigoletto, with a solo by principal clarinetist Logan Leister, plus performances by a percussion trio and a string ensemble.
Tickets: $10 adults, $5 students/senior citizens
Information: esyorchestras.org, 541-484-0473