When: 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 16

Where: Wordcrafters Studio, 436 Charnelton St., Ste. 100, Eugene, OR 97401

Details: Learn to ease tension and build a mindful writing practice in this gentle, inclusive class with Jen Hernandez.

Sitting for long (or even not-so-long) stretches at a time while you’re writing can leave you sore, stiff, and frustrated. This one-hour, in-person chair yoga class will help you relieve tension, improve your posture, and reconnect with your body–so you can keep creating comfortably. You’ll learn small practices you can do to take care of your body while sitting and writing, ease some physical discomfort, and build awareness and mindfulness.

What’s chair yoga?
Chair yoga is a physically-inclusive asana practice that supports you in building mindfulness and groundedness in the capabilities of your own body. It’s not a show-off class with acrobatic poses but, rather, a gentle time to reflect and connect. You’ll focus on connecting to what your body needs and working with your body’s abilities in each moment, normalizing the need for adjustment, change, and challenge.

Chair yoga is a connected, breath-centered practice that can be done from the chair you already have. You’ll learn a mindfulness routine that can become part of your creative work and allow you to continue working with your body rather than fighting it.

Cost: Pay From the Heart: $10-$20

Information: Register here

Your instructor
Jen Hernandez (she/they) is an artist and educator based in Corvallis, Oregon.

Through fine arts illustration, comics and crafting, Jen tells stories inspired by the natural environment, people, and stories of the Pacific Northwest and world mythology.

Connect with her on Instagram or at her website https://jenhernandezart.com/.