(Above: The Radar Angels have become an entertainment fixture at the annual Maude Kerns Jell-o Art Show.)

Edited by Randi Bjornstad

For the 36th time, the Maude Kerns Art Center will hold its one-day Jello Art Show — aka Hell-O Jell-O, which as usual will feature gelatinous artwork, a Tacky Food Buffet, and the perennial entertainment by the Radar Angels.

For those who want to enter their creations in the totally non-juried show, here are the details: Jello artists of all ages may participate and should deliver their creations  — based however loosely on the theme, Hell-o Jell-o — to the art center between 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., before the show opens officially at 5 p.m. There is a display fee of $3 for each jello artwork submitted.

The Jello Art Show

When: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, March 22, 2025 (Entertainment by the Radar Angels begins at 7 .m.)

Where: Maude Kerns Art Center, 1910 E. 15th Ave., Eugene (corner of 15th and Villard streets)

Suggested donation: $3 per person or $5 per family requested to raise funds to support the nonprofit Maude Kerns Art Center

Information: 541-345-1771 or online at mkartcenter.org

Below: A sculpture from a previous Jell-o Art Show at the Maude Kerns Art Center


A plate of Jell-O orange slices was an entry in an earlier Jell-O Art Show at Maude Kerns.