(Above: Eugene artist Sarah Sedwick is a frequent exhibitor at the Maude Kerns Art Center, and her still life of apples, “Dappled Light,” is part of this year’s annual holiday show.)
By Randi Bjornstad
It’s got a really long name — Art for All Seasons Membership Exhibit and Club Mud Ceramics Holiday Show & Sale — but its intent is short and sweet: For the 25th year, the Maude Kern Arts Center is showing original art by more than 100 of its members, geared to coincide with the holiday gift-giving season.
The show opens with a free public reception from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Nov. 17 and runs through Dec. 15.
The art includes both functional and decorative ceramics by Club Mud members plus paintings, drawings, prints, photography, and sculpture by artisans working in other forms.
Longtime Club Mud member, sculptor Bob Hansen, specializes in abstract wood-fired ceramics and carved soapstone. His piece, “Complications,” is an intricate piece on display in the show.
Equally as mysterious but far more moody (below), photographer Charles Search is showing one of his black-and-white landscapes, titled “High and Dry.”
Art for All Seasons Holiday Show & Sale
When: Nov. 17 to Dec. 15; free public reception from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 17
Where: Maude Kerns Art Center, 1910 E. 15th Ave., Eugene
Information: 541-345-1571 or mkartcenter.org/