Edited by Randi Bjornstad

Now that the Whiteaker Printmakers’ annual reverse auction  — a fundraiser in which the cost of prints donated by artists from all over the country drops each day by $3, starting at $95 and finishing at $20 — is done,  it’s time to turn to some other big news.

Specifically, that starting early in 2025, Whiteaker Printmakers (familiarly known as WhitPrint) will become part of the Maude Kerns Art Center.

WhitPrint, a member-supported nonprofit community printmaking studio started by Heather and Paul Halpern in 2015 and housed in the Whiteaker neighborhood’s historic Cox Cannery building, is one of the leading printmaking collectives in Oregon and beyond. It offers space and equipment to working print artists, as well as classes, exhibits, and events such as the Emerald Print Exchange and Big Ink.

The Halpern declare themselves “thrilled” with the decision, Heather Halpern said. “Maude Kerns Art Center is exactly the kind of organization we’d hoped would step up to assure WhitPrint’s continuity.”

On behalf of the 74-year-old, also nonprofit Maude Kerns Art Center, which likewise is dedicated to educational programs and exhibit opportunities in the visual arts, executive director Michael Fisher calls the merger “an incredible opportunity.”

“We are so honored and thrilled to continue and expand on the amazing work and legacy Whiteaker Printmakerws has created,” Fisher said.

For the rest of 2024, WhitPrint will maintain its existing studio space and activities, while also familiarizing Maude Kerns personnel with its equipment and programs for a smooth transition in 2025.