(Altered Cumulus is an installation by Justin Kittell and James Sartor of Foxlight Labs, at 833 Willamette St., part of the Windowfront Exhibition in downtown Eugene.)
Edited by Randi Bjornstad
The place to pick up the ArtWalk self-tour guide for March 3, 2023’s Downtown Eugene First Friday ArtWalk is Allies LLC at 131 E. 11th Ave.
The official time for the ArtWalk, as usual, is 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., unless an individual listing indicates otherwise. Also as usual, stick a mask in pocket or purse in case a participating location requests you to don one.
Here’s an alphabetical list of stops:
Allies LLC (131 E. 11th Ave. —Featuring new artwork by Allies participants, including  abstract drawings and paintings by featured artist Gena and crochet artwork by Cromika.
Art with Alejandro (5th Street Public Market, 246 E. 5th Ave., second floor, Suite 224) —Latest creations by Alejandro Sarmiento, from completed pieces to works in progress.
ArtCity Studios on Broadway (160 E. Broadway, basement level) —WheelHaus Arts shows a large selection of art by youthful students, as well as art by founder David CP Placencia. Eugene Printmakers make on-the-spot prints from blocks from 6:30-8 p.m.
The Barn Light (924 Willamette St.) — See original art while enjoying a drink.
Books with Pictures Eugene (99 W. Broadway, Suite C) — Mixed-media art by Sarah Breinig, using colorful watercolors, acrylic paints, and fineliner pens on varying surfaces, often with nature themes.
Broadway Commerce Center (44 W. Broadway) — Large scale, mixed-media work by Paul Burt and abstract paintings by Scott Romo in the lobby. On the second floor, digital drawings of claw machines by Michael Montgomery.
Charles Beaudet Jewelry Design (590 Pearl St., Suite 106) — Custom creations by participating jewelers. Currently on display, Wines of Oregon, featuring pinot noir and syrah leaves paired with wine-hued stones, and Coastal Treasures, featuring coastal themes with an emphasis on pearls.
Epic Seconds (30 E. 11th Ave.) — Paintings by New Jersey artist Scott Beck on The One Wall Gallery are reminiscent of old television stills; on display through March.
Eugene Public Library (100 W. 10th Ave.) — Open until 6 p.m.
-  Newspapers and Magazines Room, 2nd floor — Landscapes and nature images by professional photographer Linda Devenow, many created with her infrared converted digital camera.
- Children’s Center, 1st floor —Meet LIttLE BIG Bear & Friends via the Giant Cover Art Display of platinum award-winning books by father and son author and illustrator team “Chef Andre” Royal & Andre Royal Jr., using Copic Marker, pen, and watercolor pencil, based on hand drawn illustrations by Andre Royal Jr.
Flux Crystals (280 W Broadway) —Selections of crystals and locally made artisanal goods, featuring Bonnie Stambaugh’s array of pottery, focused on nature and forest animals and sprites, plus whimsical gnomes and Kodoma wall hangings.
FUSE Jewelry Collective (112 E. 13th Ave.) — Jewelry by local designers plus thoughtfully curated, small-batch gift items, plus live music and studio tours of the FUSE classroom, which offers weekly metalsmithing classes to the public, regardless of experience.
J. Scott Cellars on 5th Tasting Room (207 E. 5th Ave., Suite 105) —Works by impressionist landscape artist Jenifer Billman/Mann, using the impasto technique with palette knives; and The Practice of Discovery, abstract paintings by Carolyn Quinn.
Karin Clarke at the Gordon (590 Pearl St., Suite 105) —Work by gallery artists, including Robert Schlegel, Heather Jacks, Mark Clarke, Margaret Coe, Adam Grosowsky, and others.
Karin Clarke Gallery (760 Willamette St.) — Intimate Observations, a Spotlight Show of 20 small paintings by Portland artist Kathryn Cotnoir, focusing on nature of the Pacific Northwest, particularly the Oregon coast, in the plein air style.
The New Zone Gallery (110 E. 11th Ave.) — Featuring Zone 4 All, the gallery’s biannual non-juried open show that includes work by hundreds of artists from the region; live music.
One Vision Nutrition (946 Willamette St.) —Photography by Ten Aces.Â

Whimsical painting by Taro Baugnon, an art instructor at OSLP
Oregon Art Supply (1020 Pearl St.) —Making the Absent Present, mixed-media paintings by Jan Halvorsen on the theme, “What happens to unfinished portraits when the subject cannot sit for the artist?” A variety of circumstances prevented the artist from completing portraits in the presence of the sitter, some dating back more than 10 years, but recently completed. Artist talk at 6 p.m.; open until 7:30 p.m.
OSLP Arts & Culture Center (110 E. 11th Ave., Suite C) — Featuring Dreams, an exhibition of 2D and 3D artwork by community members about dreams, whether daydreams, night dreams, in-between dreams or dreams for the future. Artist talk at 6:30 p.m., including local artists and OSLP Arts Instructor Taro Baugnon.
Starlight Lounge (830 Olive St.) — Wall mosaics by Jordan DeMoss, constructed from recycled skateboards and various acrylic paintings on used skateboards and snowboards.
Windowfront Exhibitions —Empty downtown storefronts become galleries.
- 824 Charnelton St. — Vexing me!, a multi-medium installation by Zoë Gamell Brown, welcoming visitors to a Guyanese American meal; meet the artist.
- 833 Willamette St. — Altered Cumulus, an installation by Justin Kittell and James Sartor of Foxlight Labs; originally featured in BEAM, an annual showcase presented by ArtCity, consisting of 10 glowing clouds strung from an octahedral frame and rotating through an assortment of light modes, varying from lightning to calm skies.
- 873 Willamette St. — Show of work by Leo White Horse and Sue Gallego. White Horse, a Sicangu Lakota artist with ancestors from the Rosebud Sioux Reservation in South Dakota, is influenced by the quick sketches of cowboys, rodeos, and natives from the past that were drawn by his father (Myers White Horse) long ago. Gallego’s identity as an Indigenous woman has shaped her development as an artist, as she feels a responsibility for depicting the emotional values and stories of indigenous people and cultures. Meet the artists.
 About Lane Arts Council
Lane Arts Council is a nonprofit organization that works to cultivate strong and creative arts communities throughout Lane County. They provide high-quality arts experiences, engaging people of all ages in arts education and encouraging artistic endeavors.
Sponsor of March 2023 ArtWalk — Rockin’ Stickers, Eugene-based creators of made-to-order weatherproof vinyl stickers.

Sarah Breinig’s work is on display at Books with Pictures