When: 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, and 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Sundays in August and September
Where: Wordcrafters Studio, 436 Charnelton St. Ste. 100, Eugene
Details: Get your writing time in and tell your story.
As a writer, you know you have to actually do the writing to make your stories come into being. And it’s legitimately hard to find the time and make the commitment to it.
Accountability works. As does working alongside fellow writers in the sweet quiet of the Wordcrafters studio. No espresso machines screeching, annoying music playing, or folks chatting. Plus, you can get up and go to the bathroom whenever you need to! And you won’t have the distraction of laundry or other procrastination chores.
When you sign up to show up for your writing work, you’re so much more likely to actually do it. These low-key write-ins give you the space, time, and community to make it happen.
What to expect
-Tuesdays: Arrive between 9:30 and 9:45 am | Sundays: Arrive between 6:30 and 7 pm
-Free parking is available in the parking lot (just get a parking pass at the door).
-Find a spot in the studio to work — you can move the chairs and tables around.
-Tuesdays: At 9:45 am, get to writing until 11: 45 am | Sundays: At 7 pm, start writing until 9 pm
-Tuesdays: 11:45 am to noon: pack up and chat with your fellow writers | Sundays: get on outta here! 😀
Cost:Â Members: $0 (Yes, Writing Time is free for Wordcrafters members!)
Access: $3 – if you have limited access to funds
Participant: $5 – the actual cost of this event
Patron: $10 – if you have more access to wealth/resources and can support others who need to pay less
We trust you to discern your financial situation and your level of need or ability to give to others with less access to wealth. Learn more about our Pay From Your Heart Pricing.
Information: Register here – https://wordcrafters.app.