When: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 30

Where: Wordcrafters Studio, 436 Charnelton St., Ste. 100, Eugene

Details: Unlock Your Writing:
Use Tarot to Deepen your Creative Process in this workshop with Meg Hayertz!

What would it be like to draft, revise, and complete a project without losing connection with yourself or with the energy that guides you? Come find out! In this workshop, you will gain insight and momentum around your creative challenges or blocks by using Tarot!

Have you been having:

-Creative blocks?
-A dull writing practice?
-A lack of inspiration or flow?
-Trouble accessing the magic of the creative process?

Whether you have a deep relationship with the Tarot, or have never pulled a card, this workshop offers simple techniques for reading ourselves, our blocks, and the messages in our creative works.

This class will help you:

-Melt creative blocks
-Learn to tap into meaning, no matter what
-Reduce procrastination
-Develop consistent ease and flow in the writing process
-Trust your writing voice and your creative intuition
-Renew your sense of joy in your writing practice!

When we stop succumbing to our challenges or bulldozing through them, and instead listen to our creative blocks, we find inspiration, motivation, and momentum in our creative practice.

What specific things will you learn:

-Learn to use tarot cards to tap into meaning and inspiration, and to move through roadblocks in the writing process
-Use tarot cards to develop plot, character, setting and more
-Improve your ability to trust your creative voice and to follow your intuition

Writers of all experience levels, all genres and styles, at any stage of the writing process—from first draft to revision—who feel stuck or wish to generate new content are welcome!

Tarot cards will be provided. Bring your deck if you have one!

Cost: Pay From the Heart, Participant – $52.00, Sustainer – $69.00, Patron – $86.00

Information: Do you have questions about this or any of our programs? Email us at bewriting@wordcrafters.org, Register here: https://wordcrafters.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/wordcrafters/eventRegistration.jsp?event=1961&

About the Instructor
Meg Hayertz (she/her, they/them), author of Tarot for Beginners (Althea Press), believes creating is an act of listening. As the founder of Creative Momentum, she helps writers, artists, performers and academics unlock creative blocks, deepen their inspiration and finish their project.

She holds an MFA in Writing and Consciousness from California Institute of Integral Studies. Her fiction has appeared in The Louisville Review and VoiceCatcher, among others. She is an alum of Lit Camp, and she has been interviewed in LitHub. Also, she believes in you.