When:Â 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 16
Where:Â Hult Center for the Performing Arts, (Maurie Jacobs Community Room), 1 Eugene Center, (Seventh and Willamette streets in downtown Eugene)
Details:Â How do you create visibility for yourself and your practice as an independent artist? This can feel like a challenge if you lack access to consistently available resources and exhibition space. In this workshop, a panel of working artists will share their strategies and experiences for building support, expanding their audiences, and growing their networks. Panelists reflect a diversity of individual approaches and are artists working across a range of mediums, from street art and installation to painting, sculpture and multimedia.
Discover ways to expand your online presence, increase income possibilities, and integrate practices to build visibility and self-promotion into your everyday artistic life. This workshop will get you thinking about how to leverage your own resources and connections to create opportunities for yourself locally and beyond.
Panelists include artists Julia Oldham, Leah Wilson, Josh Sands, and Aunia Kahn
Tickets:Â $20
Information: This workshop is part of the 2019 Professional Development Workshops for Artists, presented by Lane Arts Council in partnership with the City of Eugene Cultural Services Division. Register at http://lanearts.org/workshops/