When: 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 22
Where:Â Downtown Eugene
Details: Eugene Sunday Streets is rolling into Downtown Eugene. The day kicks off with the EUG Parade from 11:00 a.m. to noon, and the route includes a new, longer car-free loop around 8th Avenue, Monroe Street, Broadway, and Oak Street. There will be activity centers at the Park Blocks, Monroe Park, and Kesey Square with free bike repairs, live music, yoga, dance, food carts, and more. Expect free helmets, bike maps, lights, and activity booth vendors with information on how to stay active and engaged in this bustling community.
Sunday Streets promotes healthy, active living by opening Eugene’s largest public spaces – its streets – for thousands of people to ride, roll and walk. The event is put on by the City of Eugene Transportation division and is powered by hundreds of volunteers!
Admission: Free
Information: eugene-or.gov